The Cardwright is a large compilation of 48 exceptional Larry Jennings creations. The contents have been drawn from a lifetime of intense concern with excellence in card magic. Included are some of Larry's prized productions.
There are locations, reverses, revelations, sandwich effects, predictions, assemblies, twistings, productions, changes, and more. There is a large section of new sleights and technical refinements.
There is a chapter devoted to eye-popping tricks with wallets. These are some of the most extraordinary effects ever conceived with the Jennings and Mullica Wallets. And there is Larry's treatment of Dai Vernon's Slow-Motion Aces, perhaps the definitive refinement on this exquisite classic. In it, Larry removes a discrepancy inherent in the original, and adds some fine handling touches.
All the items have been thoroughly detailed by Mike Maxwell and supplemented by over 235 clear photographs of Mr. Jennings' hands in action. This, and the name Jennings, guarantee your satisfaction.
204 pages.
Larry's Favorite Australian Poker Double Revelation Open Card Change Long Distance Sandwich Secret Reverse Royal Reverse Vanish and Reappearance of a Card The Daley Jennings Birds of a Feather First Impressions The Little Princess Princess in Waiting| Three as Four Count Twisted in theMiddle One Simple Twist One Thought Behind Red Rover Aces Slap Aces Lost and Found Lost and Found Again Undercut Aces Larrollover Aces Spectator Cuts the Aces #1111 Spectator Cuts the Aces Again Subliminal Aces Slow-Motion Larry Cloudburst Aces Covers for the One-Handed Bottom Palm One-way Deck Techniques Jennings False Cut The Cream Always Rises Stud Bottom Deal Snap Second Deal Applications Slow-Motion Card to Pocket Bottom Placement TheTactile Change Double Shake-Out Peppermint Twist A Logical Conclusion Here and There The Changling A Routine for the Mullica Wallet Structured Hofzinser's Business Card Problem Hofzinser Sans Wallet You Can Always Count on your Wallet