A good workout can be elusive. Disappearing the moment you look away at some other interest
in your schedule. Or your phone… It's almost surreal.
In this digital age, more seems to get done than ever before. With simply a tap on a tablet, orders can get placed; entire errands solved with a swipe. All of our empty time (what used to be for quiet contemplation) has become found time filled with music, podcasts, and audiobooks.
Attention is divided and life moves quickly. It can pass you by, even as you’re living it. People have always gotten lost in their schedules, their work, their errands, their friends and family, their hardships, their joys. And in a new digital wave, the new way of life, it has only become easier to cut one activity for another one that’s more efficient. More convenient. For many people, that's what kills their spirit.
But not you. You make it work. You make the time. The fighting spirit haunts you, and you want to keep it close. Right there in your home.